Friday, August 15, 2008

Lloyd Rasmussen Reunion July 24 - 26th

The sewing and visiting corner! Aunt Darlene and AUnt Judy taught Lynnaea how to embroider. She loved it!!

Cooking dinner - from l-r - Tarren, Jack, Ed, and Montey. We had some yummy food!
Of course, I have to post a picture of Anders - he is so adorable - even when he steals the cookies and has a very dirty face! Eating dinner - Jack, Ed, Larry, Darlene, Montey and Melodie.
Chad and Hailey asleep in Grandpas truck after a long day of swimming in porcupine dam.
The sewing corner and visiting corner!!!!

MOre of the sewing and visiting corner. These are pictures from the Lloyd Rasmussen reunion at Cinnamon Creek. IT was fun. I always enjoying visiting with all my aunts and uncles and cousins. My kids of course had a blast camping and swimming at Porcupine Dam. Fun times.

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