Name: Anders Kendall Barney
Meaning: strong, manly, courageous
Age: 2 1/2
Nickname: Antwoin (his dad)
Favorite Activities: playing with his siblings, playing on the playground, riding his 4 wheeler and tricycle
Favorite Foods: Sweets!! Mac and cheese, pancakes, egg in the basket
Least Favorite foods: vegetables,
Favorite Toys: Cars, trains, and MONSTER TRUCKS
Favorite Book: Machines (his book about boats, trains, trucks, etc)
Favorite Clothes: don't think he cares
What makes him happy: going on a 4 wheeler ride with his dad, playing at a park, treats
What makes him sad: when his dad left to go hunting today and he couldn't go
Funny Story: Last Saturday Jared actually worked a day shift so we went on a date that night, so I showered and then put on my housecoat so I could go get the kids dinner going and get things ready for the babysitter. Anders looked at me in my housecoat at 5:00pm and said "no, not THAT! That is for breakfast!" HAHAHAAA - Kids know more than you think and it's funny that he recognized I usually am in my housecoat when I am cooking breakfast for the kids!!!
Well, I was going to post pictures of my kids at the state fair but my card was full so I took it to Costco to get the pictures developed and then cleared the whole card before I loaded them on the computer. No new pics - sorry. Just finished visiting teaching and now I must go feed Lynnaea lunch and get her out the door for school. Later.
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