Saturday, July 31, 2010

Bear Lake Trip with mostly PICTURES!

Anders and Kiersten ready for fun at Bear Lake! Playing on the jet ski.

Jared and Megan at KOA campground. Just for you Kayli so you can see how BIG I am!! 3 more weeks!

Jared jet skiing with one of the kids. They all took turns and had a blast with their dad!!!

Playing in the lake.

Burying Ana!

This is a picture of a very poor and VERY C-O-S-T-L-Y decision. The kids were watching from the beach and they started flipping out and yelling "The tire fell off!!! The new tire fell off!!" No, no, that tire is still there just buried in sand and water.

Playing in the lake!!

Playing in the stream. Spot we stopped to eat lunch and wait for our turn for the Minnetonka Cave tour. Unfortunately, a shoe was lost in the river and so we had to cancel the cave part - they were very nice and gave us a refund.
The sad incident of Ana losing her shoe thanks to Uncle Jared encouraging all the kids to cross the stream. Riding bikes at the KOA the last night we were there.

1 comment:

Kayli said...

You look sooo cute! I'm glad you posted a picture of yourself.

Bear Lake looks awesome and fun, but Brett and I want to know what happened with your Suburban and how you got it out.

Also, why didn't you just wrap Ana's foot up with a sock and some duct tape and carry on? ;)

And Danica and Lynnaea looked soooo cute in the parade. I love those girls. So sweet.