Yesterday was a very successful day. I cleaned my ENTIRE house - even my mom would be proud. I washed all the cupboards in my kitchen, cleaned out my fridge, washed the shoe shelves that were covered in dirt and mud, mopped the kitchen floor, cleaned four bathrooms, vacuumed the entire house and sort of dusted. It felt good and since I worked up a sweat I figured it counted for my exercising for the day since that is one thing I did not fit into the day.
That night I was in charge of YW's personal progress. I think that was a success as well. I had personally taken invites to all the YW because we have quite a few inactives and there was a good turnout of girls. We did the new virtue value experience #2. It is about how virtuous living entitles you to the constant compansionship of the Holy Ghost. So, for my introduction to the topic I asked for two volunteers to come up and put on some socks for me. Two girls came up and I got out my ice cream bucket with muddy, dog poop covered socks. They wouldn't put them on. So then we looked up some scriptures about how the Holy Ghost will not dwell in unclean tabernacles (Hel 4:24). Then I did the object lesson where you have an empty jar and that represents your spirit - and when you shake a quarter around in the jar that is like hearing the promptings of the Holy Ghost. when you add sin (scoops of dirt) you can't hear the Holy Ghost (or the quarter shaking in the jar) anymore. Then we made a list on the board of things that make your tabernacle unclean. Then we read a list of scriptures that talk about the blessings that come from having the constant companionship of the Holy Ghost and made a list of those blessings. In the middle of making the last list I told everyone that I had a headache and did anyone have something for a headache. One of the other leaders handed me a bottle of ibuprofen so I took one out and taped it to my forehead and went on reading the scriptures and making our blessing list on the board and I was very proud of myself because I didn't crack a smile - I was very serious about it. Then, I bore my testimony about the Holy Ghost and we finished up the virtue #2 experience. I then asked two of the girls to come up and to crush empty pop cans which of course they did easily. Then I asked them to crush a full can of pop which they couldn't. Which I then said is similar to us - when we are full of the spirit Satan can't crush us but when we are empty he easily crushes us. Then I said that my head still hurt and did anyone know why my headache had not left and the girls were looking at me like I was crazy and one finally said because you didn't sallow it. Then I tied that in to the new virtue value project of reading the Book of Mormon and that the scriptures have the remedy for any spiritual ailment and we just need to take them into our lives by reading them so they can be of use to us. We finished by reading some cool quotes. The virtue value project is to read the entire Book of Mormon. So I gave each girl one of those color in the box for each chapter sheets and said that we were all going to read the Book of Mormon this year together and at the end of the year I am going to make and give a cerificate to our bishop and stake president with the girls name on their color in the box sheet stating that We the Stoddard Young Women have read the Book of Mormon together to fulfill our virtue value project. Also, at 1/4, 1/2, 3/4 and finished I am going to give them a treat. Does that sound like good motivation to read the Book of Mormon?? I hope so - I tried to think of something big to motivate them. Also at the end of the night each of them got a can of pop with the don't be crushed stay full of the spirit taped on it.
Anyway, it was a long day.
Today I am at work. It has been long too - but hopefully, soon I can go lay down for a minute till this other lady decides she wants her epidural. Tomorrow Myles is having a pokemon birthday party and I need to do the laundry so I have clean clothes to pack and I need to run up to the school to get all the kids homework for while we are gone and then I need to pack everything and get ready and AHHHAHAHHAAA!!! It will be another crazy day. BUT THEN we are leaving for LAS VEGAS!!!! YEAH!!! I am so excited for our trip!! And since my mom is coming with us - Jared and I actually get to do something adult - we are going to a show in Las Vegas - the Danny Gans show. He is a singer, dancer, impressionist, entertainer - anyway, my boss said his show is awesome. So, we are calling that our anniversary since Monday the 16th our real anniversary we will be chasing five kids around Disneyland.
Well, that is all. I am off to see if I can get a few hours of sleep. buenos noches.